Ib Braase (collection)
Exhibition period 8 June – 18 August 2024.
Horsens Art Museum presents a collection display with works by Ib Braase.
Ib Braase was a significant sculptor on the Danish art scene. His constant nuanced explorations of the possibilities of sculpture have made him an important player in the expansion of the concept of sculpture that took place in the 20th century. The expansion of the understanding of what the term ‘a sculpture’ covers was not a definite break with the sculptural traditions of earlier times, but a necessity in order for the sculpture to be relevant as contemporary art.
Ib Braase’s oeuvre testifies to a personal development from the closed, traditional statue at the beginning of the 1950s towards the open sculpture that occupies and involves the surrounding space. Ib Braase worked towards a perception of the sculpture as a place: “A place you can spiritually be in”, as he himself expressed it. What is particularly interesting is how Ib Braase artistically displays an unbroken continuity that extends temporally from the Danish late modern interest in form and volume, which Ib Braase particularly experiences through his role as assistant to the Danish sculptor Astrid Noack, to an expanded understanding of sculpture, which incorporates an understanding of architecture, space and body.
It is possible to read more about the exhibited works below:
Plankeværket (over digt af Miguel Angel Sevilla)
Pictures: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen