Nina Nowak – Circadian Rhythms, 2019
The work can be experienced until October 30th 2022
The title of the installation Circadian Rhythms by artist Nina Nowak, refers to the circadian rhythms, also called the internal clockwork, found in all cells, in animals as well as plants and humans.
This complex system can be seen as a default setting that provides structure and regulates our sleep cycles and human waking hours, but also patterns in the daily life cycle of animals, plants and fungi.
It is the so-called the “body clock” that causes a plant to open and close its flowers in a dark wardrobe.
Nina Nowak’s practice works with the questions of living and non-living matter and what it means to be alive.
In her sculptures and installations, issues of bodily boundaries, concepts of human and non-human agents, functionality and ecology come into play. Working with different techniques, Nina Nowak often combines traditional woodcarving with liquids, mechanical objects, metal constructions and 3D techniques.
Nina Nowak (b. 1984, Poland) lives and works in Germany and Denmark. She has an MFA degree from the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and the Royal Danish Art Institute in Stockholm.
Nina Nowak
Circadian Rhythms, 2019
Carved linden wood, algae, water, dirt, pigment, soap, hose, steel, varnish, concrete, plastic pools
Variable dimensions
Purchased 7/5-2021 with a grant from 15. Juni Fonden
Inventory number: 1684
Visit the exherbition here: HER
Photo: Emilie Hartmann Kuang